What are the most useful shortcuts for Microsoft Excel?

 Navigation Shortcuts:

Move to the beginning or end of a data range:

Ctrl + ↑/↓/←/→ moves to the edge of data in the respective direction.

Go to the start or end of a worksheet:

Ctrl + Home moves to cell A1; Ctrl + End goes to the last used cell.

Navigate between worksheets:

Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down to move between worksheets.

Jump to a specific cell:

Ctrl + G opens the Go To dialog box where you can enter the cell reference.

Selection Shortcuts:

Select an entire column or row:

Ctrl + Spacebar selects the entire column; Shift + Spacebar selects the entire row.

Select the entire worksheet:

Ctrl + A selects all cells in the current worksheet.

Editing Shortcuts:

Copy, Cut, Paste:

Ctrl + C for copying, Ctrl + X for cutting, and Ctrl + V for pasting.

Undo and Redo:

Ctrl + Z to undo the last action; Ctrl + Y to redo.

Fill Down or Right:

Ctrl + D fills down; Ctrl + R fills right.

Insert or delete cells, rows, or columns:

Ctrl + Shift + + to insert; Ctrl + - to delete.

Formatting Shortcuts:

Open Format Cells dialog box:

Ctrl + 1 allows quick access to the Format Cells dialog for formatting adjustments.

Apply borders or remove cell borders:

Ctrl + Shift + & to apply borders; Ctrl + Shift + _ to remove borders.

Format numbers as currency, percentages, etc.:

Ctrl + Shift + $ for currency; Ctrl + Shift + % for percentages.

Formula Shortcuts:

Insert current date or time:

Ctrl + ; for the current date; Ctrl + Shift + ; for the current time.

Enter formulas quickly:

Alt + = to autosum a column or row.

Miscellaneous Shortcuts:

Toggle between formula and result in a cell:

Ctrl + (backtick) switches between displaying formula and result.

AutoFit column width or row height:

Alt + H + O + I for AutoFit Column Width; Alt + H + O + A for AutoFit Row Height.

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