A Rainy Day in Summer!!!
It was the middle of summer, and the sun had been shining bright(चमकता उज्ज्वल) and hot for weeks on end. People had been seeking relief(राहत की मांग) in air-conditioned buildings, public pools, and beaches. The parched earth was cracking(सूखी धरती दरक रही थी), and the grass was yellow and brittle(नाज़ुक). It seemed as if the sun would never give way(कभी रास्ता मत दो) to clouds and rain.
But then, one afternoon, the sky began to darken. The air grew cooler(ठंडा हो गया), and a light breeze stirred(हवा हड़कंप मच गया). Suddenly, a clap of thunder broke the silence(बिजली की गड़गड़ाहट ने चुप्पी तोड़ी,), followed by another and another. People looked out their windows in surprise and delight as the first drops of rain began to fall.
The rain came down softly at first, but soon it became a deluge(बाढ़). It was as if the sky had opened up and poured(डाला) its contents down(सामग्री नीचे) on the earth. The rain fell in sheets, drenching(भीगना) everything in sight. The streets and sidewalks quickly turned into rivers, and people ran for cover under awnings and umbrellas.
But some people didn't mind the rain at all. Children ran outside, jumping in puddles(पोखर) and spinning in circles with their faces upturned to the sky(आकाश की ओर मुख किए हुए।). Plants and trees seemed to stretch(खींचना) and grow taller as if they had been waiting for this moment. The birds sang joyfully, and the air smelled fresh and clean.
As the rain continued to fall, people settled into their homes(उनके घरों में बस गए,), listening to the sound of the raindrops tapping(दोहन) on the roofs and windows. They read books, watched movies, and drank hot cocoa. Some even fell asleep(कुछ सो भी गए), lulled(सुस्त) by the soothing(सुखदायक) sound of the rain.
When the rain finally stopped, the world had been transformed(तब्दील). The grass was greener(ग्रीनर), the air was cooler(कूलर), and everything looked and felt refreshed. People stepped outside to enjoy the beauty of the world after the storm(आंधी). They smiled at each other, feeling a sense of unity and gratitude(आभार) for the gift of rain.
And although(हालांकि) the sun would return, and the heat would once again become intense(गहन), people knew that they would always remember this rainy day in summer, and the hope it brought(लाया) with it.
Positive wave
"The summer rain brings a refreshing coolness and a renewed(नवीकृत) sense of growth and vitality(प्राण) to the world around us."
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